Revenue Split

How we split revenue between us and the scholar

When a scholar starts playing a game using our NFT's, the revenue he generates is split between him and the guild. Since the guild is the one who owns the assets, we are entitled to a portion of the profits the scholar earns. Although we've seen 60/40 splits and even 70/30 splits in favor of the guild, we feel this isn't fair considering we won't be playing anything.

50/50 Split

The bigger guilds aim for 50/50 splits and usually have a time frame for the rental. All Starz will be provide a 50/50 split and payout bi-weekly to the scholars wallet of choice. We'll be able to manage all of the scholarships from one dashboard and have the ability to confirm transactions and payout scholars from the same portal. Once payouts have been disbursed, our portion will be allocated to our main wallet where All Starz holders will be able to view our assets and balances. This makes it easy for All Starz to stay up to date on all our activity and see our progress in real time.

Last updated