
Creating opportunities in games that don't support it

Scholarships are really popular in games like Axie Infinity. Although this is a challenging feat to pull off, scholarships are applying the same rental tactics in games that don't natively support renting. For this, we're developing a multi-sig wallet that will allow us to create accounts for gamers, provide them the assets, some starting capital, and let them play using our assets. The guild generates income on a 50/50 split with the user but can assure the security of the assets with the wallet. This will allow us to rent out our assets in games that don't support it. This technology can open many doors for the guild in the future. For example, instead of keeping a wallet like this to ourselves, we can also let All Starz use them, and if price gets too prohibitive, we can sell the wallet as a stand alone product to other guilds. This can cement us as pioneers of the scholarship space on Solana and keep revenue coming in.

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