Mint Funds

A common question is "Why combine funds and start a guild?" Coming together as one unit is extremely powerful in games. If we become amongst the biggest owners of assets in a particular game, it makes the earning potential exponentially higher. If a user just owns one common asset or one common piece of land, the earning potential isn't as high. All Starz aims to be amongst the wealthiest clans in all the top gaming titles on Solana. Doing so will provide us a huge advantage when we incorporate renting, create scholarships, and start earning yield. It's much more advantageous to be part of a guild where you can reap the benefits of yield, but also advance your personal arsenal with the help of the organization. In case one of our members needs help or is missing an asset, the guild can provide help instantly.

Acquiring Assets

Another advantage stems from the fact that we have a higher probability to mint/acquire legendary assets. A user with one asset has a low possibility of pulling a rare asset where a guild with hundreds of assets has a much higher chance at getting top-tier NFT's.

These top-tier NFT's allow us to charge more when we rent them out, give us significant advantages when playing games, and give us control of the most coveted assets in play-to-earn games. First movers advantage is even stronger when the assets are rare or legendary and grant specific advantages in games. We all know the select few who are the best at a game and that usually happens when you start early, have friends you can team up with, and spend a lot of money in the game. It's the snowball effect right from the beginning.

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